Car Free Day
Monday, Sept 22, All day
Don’t let us catch you trying to park on campus. Hopefully the Security-Guards-turned-Traffic-Directors will take the day off.
Monday, Sept 22, All day
Roddick Gates
Greening McGill and McGill Environmental Students Society will host a celebration for greening initiatives at McGill. Free.
Tap Thirst Workshop
Tuesday, Sept 23, 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
1500 de Maissonneuve O., suite 204
Explore the dark side of bottled water, from corporate exclusivity contracts to detrimental environmental effects of an industry that rakes in $75-million in Quebec alone each year. Free.
Labour activist speaks about Global South
Monday, Sept 22, 6 p.m.
South Asian Women’s Community Centre, 1035 Rachel E. , third floor
Meena Menon, who has been active for 20 years in trade unionization in India, will speak on grass-roots activism to challenge globalization, neo-liberalism, and militarization. Free.
CURE Launch
Wednesday, Sept 24, 3–6 p.m.
Centre for Gender Advocacy, 2110 Mackay
The Community-University Research Exchange – which matches university students with independent research projects – is celebrating its launch at McGill. Free.
MISC Lunch & Learn Lecture Series
Wednesday, Sept 24, 12:30 p.m.
3463 Peel Street, Room 201
David Thompson delivers his dissertation on leftist social movements of the unemployed in Canada from 1890 to 1960. Note: despite the event name, lunch is not provided. Free.
General Assembly Motions
Deadline is Sept 27, 5 p.m.
SSMU Office, Brown Building
Care about an issue on campus? Want to make McGill more democratic? Submit a motion for the GA!
Farmers’ Market at McGill
Tuesday, Sept 23, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Three Bares Park
Organic vegetable vendors bring their local wares for sale at bargain prices. Midnight Kitchen will dish their by-donation vegan lunch at 12:30 p.m.
Looking for some free advertising for your non-profit event? Email it with “HAPS” in the subject line to