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In “Quebec dismisses fired TAs’ grievances” (News, Oct. 23), The Daily reported that some teaching assistants (TAs) were unionized in their secondary positions; in fact, no TAs were unionized in these jobs.

The Daily also reported that since the strike the relationship between the union and the University is hostile and was aggravated by the recent decision on the TAs’ grievances. In fact, the decision has not affected the union’s relationship with the University, and it is the general campus climate toward labour that is hostile.

The article stated that McGill and AGSEM could have reached an agreement enabling TAs to keep their jobs. In fact, this was a decision that could only have been decided at a legal level.

Lastly, The Daily stated that Hink believes that the commission’s ruling was meant to maintain a “balance of power” between the University and the union. In fact, the comment referred to the Labour Code and AGSEM’s arguments, not to the Commissioner’s ruling.