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Love for dead animals

Re: “Greater risk with every bite” | Commentary | Oct. 27

I would rather add meat to my life than life to my meat. One meal in the steamy brisket-blessed heaven of Schwartz’s is greater than an infinity without.

John Danby

U2 Mechanical Engineering

Maggots in art

Re: “Art in the flesh” | Features | Oct. 27

Whitney Mallett’s failure to include the Czech video artist Jan Švankmajer in her scattered overview of meat art is an omission comparable to that of writing a biography of a fly without mentioning maggots.

Mary Tramdack

U3 English Literature

Seriously, one last word from SACOMSS on Choose Life

Re: “Choose Life and SACOMSS should work together” | Letters | Oct. 27

This will be SACOMSS’ last response regarding the student group Choose Life. Any further queries should be directed to our external coordinators Rebecca Harris and Corey Gulkin at

We would like to reiterate that SACOMSS does not take a stand on the abortion issue. Our concern with Choose Life stems from the fact that we are a non-directional service. This means that we do not give advice or judge the decisions that a survivor of sexual assault makes such as whether or not to get an abortion.

While we appreciate Choose Life’s offer to work together, SACOMSS cannot work with a group which promotes an agenda that doesn’t necessarily correspond to the best interest of a survivor. Our only agenda is to support survivors and the decisions they make. Although we are unable to collaborate with Choose Life, we still hope that they will include us in their list of resources.

Our final point has been said, but it is clear that it needs to be reiterated. Only SACOMSS representatives can speak on behalf of SACOMSS. We ask that people please refrain from making public statements based on assumptions regarding our stance on political issues, student groups, or anything else.

Rebecca Harris

U3 Political Science & Middle East Studies

Corey Gulkin

BA ‘08

SACOMSS External Coordinators

More letters were received for this issue than could be printed, they’ll appear soon. Send your letters to The Daily does not print letters that are hateful in any way.