College years are fraught with bad decisions, but joining the staff of The McGill Daily is one choice I remain proud of to this day. The Daily turned me from rookie band interviewer to actual professional (employable) writer and editor for publications including MTV News, Vibe Magazine, Spin Magazine,, and others. The paper’s basement locale is more than an office; it’s a hands-on journalism school in a university that doesn’t offer one. With its staff of dedicated editors, The Daily provides the student body with an invaluable link to school politics, local politics, city culture, and more, and gives students the opportunity to become published writers in a paper that has a higher circulation (not to mention more widespread respect) than some national publications.
Alyssa Rashbaum was a Daily Culture editor, 2001-2002, and Coordinating Culture editor, 2002-2003.
Read more alumni letters here.