Referendum Question Regarding SACOMSS Fee Renewal.
Categorically yes. As the whereas clauses for this referendum state, SACOMSS provides essential services to the McGill and Montreal communities. The renewal of this $.075 will ensure that victims of sexual assault will have access to essential support when they need it most.
Referendum Question Regarding SSMU Charity Committee and Fund
Yes. The motion proposes to centralize charity organizing on campus into one 13-member SSMU committee, with admirable involvement of community organizations. Our endorsement comes with the understanding that there will be regular reports of its activities to the SSMU council, and that the committee will be entirely transparent. A charity committee should also not be used as an excuse to further the goal of “de-politicizing” SSMU.
Plebiscite Question Regarding Addition of an Interfaculty Arts and Science Representative on the SSMU Legislative Council
Yes. The reasons for this endorsement are obvious, interfaculty students deserve representation on SSMU council as much as any other faculty.