We would like to provide some additional details on how SSMU clubs apply for and are awarded funding from SSMU’s Club Fund.
Firstly, The Daily’s article implied that the funding awarded was particularly newsworthy. While we are always excited to fund the activities of our clubs, the Funding Committee has been awarding clubs funds since early October and has presented similar reports to Council at each meeting since October 14.
Secondly, while we do our best to allocate the available funds in the fairest way possible, our funds are unfortunately insufficient to fully fund all applicants. Additionally, we have received several requests from groups that were for an amount greater than their net loss (the amount of money they would be short if they received no funding from SSMU); given our desire to fund as many initiatives as possible, we do not fund groups for more than their net loss if they are already making a profit from other sources, or if the money would be spent directly on donations to a third party.
Thirdly, the amount of funding we allocate is not a reflection of the worth of the group’s activities, but rather whether the funding requests meets SSMU’s criteria (and the importance of SSMU’s contribution to the group’s financial well-being). Often, when an insufficient amount of funding is granted, it is because the group’s budget was incorrect, not sufficiently detailed, and/or shows a surplus based on hypothetical funding from SSMU included in their revenues.
All groups can appeal our decisions and are welcome to meet with SSMU Funding Coordinator Shyam Patel. We also welcome you to come to the Clubs and Services Representatives’ Office Hours (every Tuesday, 1 to 2 p.m., SSMU Office), and we will be happy to provide advice on filling out funding applications.
Maggie Knight
U3 Environment (Honours) and Economics
Max Zidel
U1 English and Political Science
Clubs and Services Representatives to SSMU Council and SSMU Funding Committee Members