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The Day Intelligence Died (Stand up to Radicals)

I stood there in the locker room, stunned.

I also believe protests must be organized intelligently.

For all we know, these people arrived crazy

on day one.

The police did what police do.

Thanks for having the clarity that so many university students today lack:

The police did what police do.


Hello? Try storming the office of any CEO in Canada and see what happens.

We have allowed our universities to be run by left wing professors

and we should not expect our young people to be brain-washed by them?

Give me a break!

Riot police are not traffic cops, their job is more fast paced,

and therefore more prone to innocent mistakes.

McGill’s liberal majority: “Okay, well then get on your knees”

The police did what police do.


There should be a sense of gratitude that McGill students belong to a school that’s consistently top 20 in the world,

while paying half of what their Ivy competitors pay (Adam’s 21 Birthday IPA KEg party !!!!!!1!!1)

In the famous words of the entitled everywhere: “I want to know and I want it now!” (

Either way, it isn’t something McGill administrators have any power over).

You throw shit (including a stick) at a cop and chances are they are going to: a) smack you around and arrest you or b) call for reinforcements if they crowd is too big.


Guess what happened kiddies?

HMB’s persistent negligence and cowardice

The police did what police do.


There is space at McGill for every voice in civil debate (the devil lies in the details of their mandates and independence)

while Canadian students waste their own money and the taxpayer’s money on degrees in “gender studies”

Either way, it isn’t something McGill administrators have any power over.


Tomlison Professor of Political Theory, McGill University; blogs at:

The police did what police do.

(a very small fraction of students outside the core activist community where there. Does anyone have strong and even mildly informed views about which Canadian cell phone carrier is overall best?)


Thanks for presenting an insightful and educated point of view as opposed to one which was simply crazy, out of proportion,

which is what I’ve been hearing a lot of lately.

MD: How does it feel to be arrested on your own campus?

“Okay, well then get on your knees.”


You speak of McGill not worthy of its reputation.

I think its more that these student occupiers are not worthy of attending McGill (There is space at McGill for every voice in civil debate).

If you don’t like, leave and go anywhere else in North America,


I doubt you will since we have the cheapest education and still do after these 300$ a year hikes.

The police did what police do.


“The University did not call the riot squad. I can tell you that, unequivocally,” Mendelson said in an interview Friday afternoon.

“I know that the police who were here called in [the riot squad]”  (Riot police are not traffic cops, their job is more fast paced, and therefore more prone to innocent mistakes.)

A refreshing viewpoint on McGill’s current madness (would totally rather be back with my faves than writing my French compositions #suckynight)


Today is November 10, 2011 16:35 EST.

Campus Announcements:

The police did what police do.