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What would you say to 2017?


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Amanda Fiore

















My new years’ resolution is to actually achieve last year’s resolution. But to do that I’ll have to remember it first. Catharina O’Donnell

Kismet Bandeen














In 2017, I want to be less timid. I’m going to go to the gym, make the first move, and stream porn in class. Anonymous


Kismet Bandeen














This year, I am going to love and be loved, more deeply and gratefully than before. I’m going to remind myself of how much there is to be grateful for in my life. I am, optimistically, going to kiss and be kissed. I am going to make the most of all the moments 2017 provides. Anonymous

Kismet Bandeen














1) Not falling into our square-shaped toilet. 2) To properly acknowledge and care for my depression without letting it define me Anonymous

Kismet Bandeen














This year, I’m going to try staying calm around my mom even though she’s very good when it comes to making me mad. Anonymous

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in 2017 i would like to kill more fascists and get into grad school Coco Zhou

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I would say that I’m going to be more organized and more self-controlled in 2017. But, really, I don’t want to fail myself. Anonymous

Kismet Bandeen


















when i think of 2017, i think of fire. of a mass awakening. my body will burn to the ground and i will be reborn, and so will you and so will we. we will continue to fight. i’ll carry you and we will live in this world, dazzling, spinning, fiery, and we will support each other as best we can. we will make art and love and we will nurture each other. protect each other. i will be kinder, to you and to myself. i will hold myself when i cry, i will welcome bad feelings when they come, and i will love my art as expressions of myself. – Chantelle Schultz

Kismet Bandeen


















In 2017 I want to work on a practice of giving – so being generous on a daily basis and also thinking about how I can give back and meaningfully apply the things I’ve learned at McGill in the broader community. Keah Hansen

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I don’t believe in resolutions I think they’re stupid Emily

Rahma Wiryomartono











In 2017, I want to live a life that’s not defined by self-deprecation. That, and eat more bagels. Taylor Mitchell