This story is currently in development, and will be updated to reflect any changes that may occur.
Tre Mansdoerfer has been elected Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) President for the 2018-2019 academic year, winning against his opponent Corinne Bulger by a mere 69 votes. Out of six positions, SSMU President was the only contested position with a close 50.7 percent of the vote with a total of 7100 votes cast.

All candidates running unopposed have won their respective elections, including Jacob Shapiro for VP University Affairs with 90.5 percent of the vote, Sophia Esterle for VP Student Life with 88.4 percent of the vote, Matthew McLaughlin for VP Internal with 87.3 percent of the vote, Marina Cupido for VP External with 62.9 percent of the vote, and Jun Wang for VP Finance with 82.6 percent of the vote.
All questions in the Winter 2018 Referendum have also passed with a majority “yes” vote, including a motion to renew the Black Students’ Network fee and adopt a fee increase, a policy which now mandates SSMU to lobby the administration for a Fall Reading Week, and ECOLE’s existence referendum. Motions to amend the SSMU Clubs fee, the University Centre Building Fee, and the SSMU Campus Life Fee have also passed.