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Exclusive: The Daily’s Dirty Secret!

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Born on October 2, 1911, The McGill Daily is just a true Libra at heart – we’re always striving to be balanced! The pioneer of student journalism at McGill was started one hundred years ago by a group of students who were craving a campus sports rag. Over the last century, the oldest student newspaper on campus has exploded into the hottest, most bodacious paper in Canada. Though it’s been leaked that the paper has changed shape over the years from a single daily broadsheet, to a multi-coloured hot mess of pages that hits stands every Monday and Thursday our heart is in the same place: it’s still run by students, for students. This year, like always, we’ll be inking the latest scoop on what’s hot in McGill and Montreal politics, health, commentary, science, design, art, and sports. We’ll confirm the rumours: in our news room we like to dig a little deeper and deliver you exclusive angles from marginalized voices not heard anywhere else.

The star studded halls of this university aren’t home to a journalism program, so we like to think of ourselves as a red carpeted replacement option (actually our carpet’s blue): whether you’re down for a behind-the-scenes peak at how print media operates or you‘re dying to live with a notepad in hand all day, err’ day, we’ve got your extracurricular course load covered. Alums have gone on to write for The New Yorker and The Washington Post…and to become Leonard Cohen!

And so, we invite you to join us: as readers and more. If you’re a McGill student, you’re an official member of the Daily Publications Society, which is responsible for the production of The Daily and the production of our francophone roomie paper, Le Délit. Whether you’re into chasing beats, snapping pix, photoshopping, penning headlines, tweeting, facebooking, tumbling, tungling, or some other verb that no one has heard of yet, we’ve got a hot seat waiting for you. No experience necessary. In an era before we became Daily editors, we were all eager beavers who had never seen the inside of the Daily office!