The Rotisserie
Fiction by Bridget Sprouls
Fiction by Bridget Sprouls
New research assesses newborns’ physical pain
Players’ Theatre reawakens the claustrophobia of Sartre’s No Exit
Scientists, bureaucrats and politicians talk green tech and resource exploitation
Morton Mendelson claims that the Architecture Café was not “sustainable financially.” Until McGill admin releases the Architecture Café’s accounts, the student body cannot decide for… Read More »Mmm… delicious stale Aramark food
An open letter to Morton Mendelson
Dear Morton Mendelson, My name is Hilary Papineau and I am an ’07 graduate of the urban studies program. I am writing with great concern… Read More »Alumni purse strings tighten
This April, the administration restructured McGill Athletics. In the process, several teams that once received minimal funding and little support from the University now have… Read More »Play clean, McGill
Observations from Friday night’s Fill the Stadium McGill Redmen football game
Dear Morton Mendelson and Marc Weinstein, I am writing to let you know how extremely disappointed I am that McGill has once again attempted to… Read More »Another alumna bemoans boarded-up Arch Café
One of the biggest problems about being a student is the short lifespan. We come to university and spend a great deal of time learning… Read More »Listen up, admin. It’s learning time
How to eat local on- and off-campus
Puppetry as art at L’Illusion Théatre de Marionette
New novel falls short of solving the great scientific controversy of our time
McGill math profs weigh in on shelling out for the latest edition of a textbook