Online communities: orcs to hand-knit scarves
National Science Foundation gives grant to study creativity on the Internet
National Science Foundation gives grant to study creativity on the Internet
Why did humans evolve the capacity to make art?
Quebecois film makers are heading for Hogtown
I am writing to oppose the closing of the Architecture Café. The Arch Café is a wonderful, independent café with reasonably priced, delicious and FRESH… Read More »Give us a say in Arch Café decision
Plans for the McConnell-Dawson tunnel have been around since the 70s; maps cite the Future Site of Physics, constructed in 1977. Construction crews seemed to… Read More »Sundry things Neil has noticed
McGill should reinstate in-province tuition for French as a second language courses for deregulated faculties
Re: “Olfactory environmentalism” | Health&Education | September 9
A ccepting the premise that entrapment would represent an expansion of the powers that the police currently hold to stop criminals, the question then becomes… Read More »COUNTERPOINT: Entrapment harms our society and violates our rights
Re: “The little black book” | Culture | September 13
I was disgusted to hear that the McGill administration is trying ONCE AGAIN to close the Architecture Café. There are few locations that I felt… Read More »Alumni gon’ hold back if admin don’t back down
The laws that prevent police entrapment exist ostensibly to prevent the innocent from being unjustly convicted and to protect the integrity of the justice system.… Read More »POINT: Police entrapment stops crime before it starts
Re: “AUS Frosh in the red” | News | September 13
I am a 2008 BA & Sc McGill alumn, I was very disappointed to hear that the administration is trying to close the Architecture Café.… Read More »Replace Chartwells with student-run initiatives
The Daily sits down with Margaret Somerville
Liberal MP visits Shatner, talks up party’s hopes in next election