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Why psychostimulants might do more harm than good
Why psychostimulants might do more harm than good
The word “drugs” is not a neutral term. It comes loaded with other meanings, many emerging from the discourse around the “War on Drugs” and… Read More »End the stigmatization of medical drugs
How Shakespeare’s animality made him an everyman
Making It Montreal, a program designed to promote the work of artistes émigrés in Montreal, was born out of organizers Tasha Anestopoulos and Louis Rastelli’s… Read More »Artists in residence
Western media narratives obscure human rights abuses
Re: “A turn to the dark side” | Sci+Tech | February 15
The notion of “reasonable accommodation” is supposed to protect the rights of minority groups. Rather than protecting them, however, “reasonable accommodation” perpetuates a privileged notion… Read More »Quebec must treat all Quebeckers equally
SASKATOON — On March 3, the Conservative government presented its new agenda in a speech from the throne. Although it was mostly about the gloomy… Read More »Change the anthem
Re: “Paging Doctor Cornett” | Commentary | October 8
Re: “Paging Doctor Cornett” | Commentary | October 8
Am I the only one seeing something wrong with this? So basically Palestinians needs to “behave” in order to have a partial freeze of settlements in the West Bank.
Re: Campaigning violations pile up against presidential candidate” | News | March 4
Li’l Hyde Parks about spreading the word, revolution, and the Superwoman
Editorial board of The McGill Daily endorses five candidates for SSMU Executive office
WINNIPEG — When an out homosexual character on a prime-time sitcom exclaims, “Can you have him paint us something a little less gay?”, it sounds… Read More »The changing nature of gay