Burning with innovation, drowning in incoherence
TNC’s new play might be better without Bukowski
TNC’s new play might be better without Bukowski
Caroline Vu’s Palawan Story tells untold tales of the Vietnam War
Ivan Markovic’s figurines depict homelessness
Diane Obomsawin tells tales of budding love
Toward a Canadian republic
A profile of Laurin Liu, McGill student-cum-NDP Member of Parliament
Brave New Productions presents Done To Death
TNC takes on Harold Pinter’s “Old Times”
Rebellion against corporate media at Expozine
Lisa Guenther explores effects and implications of solitary confinement
Cinema Politica Concordia screens Something Like a War
The well-oiled Montreal ticket machine
Les Belles Soeurs at Players’ Theatre
Tapping the tricky potential of theatrical performance art
Why Montreal’s Fringe Festival trumps the Edinburgh original