In defense of faith
Speaking in favour of religion in an increasingly atheistic society
Speaking in favour of religion in an increasingly atheistic society
This week has been immensely difficult. The election of Donald Trump as the U.S. president has left us devastated. But we must understand and acknowledge… Read More »Solidarity in the face of the Trump presidency
The Daily has recently been named in a SSMU Equity complaint about anti-Semitism which was submitted by members of the McGill Jewish community, regarding the… Read More »In response to a SSMU Equity complaint about anti-Semitism, mentioning The Daily
We have officially left the Holocene
SSMU executives worry change in medical notes process could prove detrimental
Organizers call for recognizing studying as a form of labour
McGill Dentistry student was unfairly accused of being drunk during student clinic
Not enough in an on-going struggle
Politics and natural disasters meet the King of the Monsters
Council supports Quebec Public Interest Research Group-McGill
…and our school doesn’t care about our safety
Constellations strings together quantum mechanics, relativity, and love
Earlier this week, the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) revealed that it had been monitoring the phone of La Presse journalist… Read More »Police surveillance violates freedom of the press