From quarks to quirk
A critical look at science journalism
A critical look at science journalism
A resolution to create an Equity Policy for the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) was passed last Wednesday at the AUS Legislative Council meeting. The resolution was… Read More »AUS to create equity policy
The rise of Goose Hut
On Golden Dawn’s chapter in Montreal
Reexamining secular notions of charity
Biodôme offers Richard Purdy’s trOmbe
Graffiti workshop aims to help indigenous youth find expression
Cinema Politica presents Pink Ribbons, Inc.
Why doesn’t McGill have a biophysics program?
I spend a lot of my time on the mechanics of mythology, which is my way of excusing myself for reading Harry Potter when I… Read More »The trickster and the Joker
Fallen sports idols and the risks of athlete glorification
Researchers convert emotional experiences to sound
Principal’s Task Force and five-year strategic academic plan also covered
Councillors divided over online ratification
University redaction practices questioned