Orientation week reforms show mixed results
Contingency plans improve, but Frosh culture slow to change
Contingency plans improve, but Frosh culture slow to change
How Engineering Frosh coordinators fell off their horses
When PhD student Misia Kowanda set out to register to vote on August 28, she didn’t expect it to be a 4.5-hour ordeal. That day,… Read More »Students face difficulties in voter registration
The new Parti Québécois (PQ) minority government, elected on Tuesday and led by Pauline Marois, has a specific vision for the development of culture in… Read More »Selective secularism
Two former columnists offer their advice
I. I read today that the better a man dresses the more badly he can behave. I was fourteen and standing by the water the… Read More »Inkwell: Old Shakes
Pauline Marois plans to tighten language legislation
Out of the voting booths, into the streets
Strike continues though numbers dwindle
On February 21, five members of Russian feminist protest-punk band Pussy Riot performed a “Punk Prayer” in Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. With colourful… Read More »Performing Dissent
Montreal’s World Film Festival (WFF), the city’s premiere international cinema event, finishes on Monday, September 3. Far removed from the international glamour of the Toronto… Read More »Still reeling
Most expensive residence to date opens its doors
Coalition Avenir Québec The Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) is the most conservative political party in the National Assembly. Mainly centered around François Legault, a former… Read More »The Daily’s guide to the provincial election’s main contenders
For the artistically-inclined, Montreal is a haven teeming with galleries, artist-run spaces, and museums. As a student, whether you’re creating or just appreciating art, the… Read More »Give me some space
Why the future of space travel is – and needs to be – robotic