The skinny on fatphobia
As children, we are taught to fear many things – the evils of drugs, alcohol, and violence, for example. But another concern in particular has… Read More »The skinny on fatphobia
As children, we are taught to fear many things – the evils of drugs, alcohol, and violence, for example. But another concern in particular has… Read More »The skinny on fatphobia
Sex worker advocacy group concerned about limitations of the project
Senate questions Jutras Inquiry into November 10 as students launch parallel inquiry
Eastern Bloc exhibition brings together the seemingly disparate disciplines of art and anthropology
An international student reflects on simultaneous protests
Medical residents latest to suffer without support staff
Fifteen speakers discuss ‘ideas worth spreading’
Criticism from a supporter
The events of November 10 brought some students together, but pushed others apart
Last Thursday, people took to the streets of Montreal in protest of five years of tuition hikes planned to start next September. The hike will… Read More »Education is a right
Queers Condemn Police Violence The Queer McGill Political Action Working Group condemns the McGill administration, McGill Security, and the Service de police de la Ville… Read More »Letters
Olivia Messer and Joan Moses investigate bisexual experience and identity
A former McGill jazz student riffs on the musical, post-academic life
Documentary chronicles three of Montreal’s “fiercely independant record labels”
A response to the November 10 demonstrations