Pushing beyond the selfish gene
Pushing beyond the selfish gene
Montreal gallery’s latest exhibit transforms the viewer into a participant
Neo-Darwinism evolved
The Daily speaks with Ariel Prado about the November 10 McGill demonstration
McGill students violently forced off campus James Administration occupiers allege assault by security
Do you remember April 1997? In those formative years, you were probably learning to share. You were sent to school, brown paper bag packed carefully… Read More »Occupying our history
Sit-in outside of building lasts five hours before moving to SSMU cafeteria
Is standardized testing really necessary or effective?
The Daily, along with many students and staff, is still reeling from the events that took place on our campus on the night of November… Read More »Changed, changed utterly
McGill Principal Heather Munroe-Blum (left) and SSMU (right) both released messages yesterday afternoon. In case you aren’t part of McGill’s or SSMU’s listserv (or you’ve… Read More »Official Responses
We are the 14 students who occupied the fifth floor of the James Administration building. On 10 November, we took over the office of Her… Read More »Letter from the fifth floor occupiers
How the administration controls all decisions
In April of 1997, students occupied the 5th floor of the James Administration building to protest fee increases, and to request student representation on various… Read More »From the archives
30,000 people took to the streets on November 10 to prostest tuition hikes, including McGill students, professors, and MUNACA members. Over 200,000 students in Quebec declared… Read More »Thursday in photos
Turbulent is one of the only ways to describe the last two months at McGill. We’ve had MUNACA on strike since September 1, and now tuition… Read More »Dear Professors: an open letter