In defense of “we”
Fans are a key component of any sports franchise
Fans are a key component of any sports franchise
For decades, the Quebec student movement has been among the most active in the country. At the same time, Quebec students have enjoyed the lowest… Read More »Fight the hikes: march on November 10
Has this polymer’s reputation been stretched out of proportion?
Learning beyond the classroom Dear Editors, Universities are often criticized as an ivory tower, an exclusive institution that is not only separate from, but that… Read More »Letters
Why scepticism is a necessary application of the scientific method
The rewards outweigh the risks of running a marathon
One student explains why your excuses won’t cut it
132 student clubs to undergo name changes at request of McGill administration
The Daily strongly encourages all members of the Arts Undergraduate Society (including Arts & Science students!) to attend the AUS General Assembly on Tuesday, November… Read More »Editor’s Note
Letters to the principal
YAHAnet gets creative in the fight against HIV/AIDS
A theatre school tries to untangle Canada’s language politics
Tidal energy is a kind of hydropower that converts the energy of the rise and fall of sea levels caused by tidal movements into useful… Read More »Catching the wave
Quebec students set to protest tuition increases on provincial day of action
“He was being so weird, it was creepy. There’s definitely something wrong with him…maybe he has Asperger’s or something.” I overheard this conversation earlier this… Read More »Illness intrudes on our everyday language