SUS spends $4,320 on iPhones for executives
Society debates whether new mobile plans will be effective
Society debates whether new mobile plans will be effective
As students, we have a responsibility to mobilize
A look into the cultural differences between Canadian and American Thanksgiving
An open letter from the SSMU
Provincial government allocating $1.9 million to municipal climate programs
Why parents should not force religion on their offspring
General Assembly motion renames Victoria Square “Place du peuple”
Picket line forms outside Homecoming luncheon
A student’s first-hand account of the treatment of a car accident victim in India
Hassidic performance causes controversy at the Rialto theater… or maybe not
Start up theatre company ventures Into the Woods for its debut
Last fall, McGill students in a biology study group started a website to share class notes among themselves online. A year later, that effort has… Read More »Collaborate beyond the classroom
Recent developments in the sexual strike from VPs (Sass and Sodomy)
Illustrating an invisible movement
Graduate student union calls general meeting to mobilize