A look into life in Kianyaga, Kenya
VP Finance Patel announces the search for new tenants in the SSMU cafeteria
After a full week of events running from September 12 to 15, McGill University’s first Aboriginal Awareness Week concluded with the tenth Annual Pow Wow… Read More »Lower field pow-wow concludes Aboriginal Awareness Week
Local businesses could be made victims in municipal budget battle
Independent cinema’s future may be uncertain, but its dedication to movie culture isn’t
A science student explores her mixed feelings about corporate research
What nine weeks living with a disability taught Eric Andrew-Gee
A U3 BSc student at McGill shares his summer experience shadowing Dr. K
McGill professor tackles child labour by co-opting health sector
The Editorial Board on the state of aboriginal studies at McGill
Why the demonstration last Thursday helped the union’s cause
Why the protests in London shouldn’t be conflated with those in the Middle East
The Community Involvement Conference hosted by MSS inspires students to take action
Bill C-21 opens up complaint processes against federal and First Nations governments