Campus corporatization talk at Concordia
Three speakers discuss the changing role of universities
Three speakers discuss the changing role of universities
FEUQ releases study on provincial shortcomings
Plans are still in their initial stages; Cyberthèque set to expand
Senators pose questions and receive canned responses
Montreal has become a multilingual city, but its literary scene is still catching up
Knowledge is power – power to control the narrative
Immigration documents are difficult, complicated to renew
Study carrels in Ferrier to cost $200 for the year
New life in a dying industry
The Ministère des transports du Québec (MTQ) unveiled its latest plans to renovate the crumbling Turcot interchange last week. The Turcot is a tangle of… Read More »Radical reform needed on Turcot
Debating Union, Conservative McGill, SPHR to receive less than half of their request
Students would stand to benefit
Councillors move to strike discussion from minutes, concerned about SSMU liquor license
Joseph Henry reports on the proposed merger of four language and culture departments