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Olga Koppel - Media Credits

Do a little turn on the catwalk

    Kortney Shapiro takes in Montreal’s Fashion week, and considers what makes our city a hub of urban style – both on and off the runway

    A summer spent installing sheet metal

      In Part II of The Daily’s admittedly overdue series on shitty summer jobs, Katie Burrell brings you the inside take on drinking dollar beers, watching locals snort coke and dance to country music, and moving 500-pound furnances in “Canada’s Worst To

      What’s the haps

        Peace Talks and Israel’s Control of Palestine Monday, October 20, 7 p.m. QPIRG building, 3647 University Jesse Rosenfeld, a McGill graduate in International Development Studies,… Read More »What’s the haps

        Polar opposites

          A summer in Nunavik teaches Graeme Burrows about Inuit education, and why many northern First Nations students aren’t pursuing postsecondary degrees