Decolonizing Veganism
How veganism is constantly used to reproduce oppression
How veganism is constantly used to reproduce oppression
Challenging the Deputy Provost’s false claims on the subject
Sleeping with trans women doesn’t affect your queerness
Conservatives should realize everyone is a drag queen
On the separation of academic freedom and free speech
We, the English Graduate Student Association of McGill University, take notice of the fact that the government of Quebec adopted Bill 62 into law on… Read More »The English Graduate Students Association statement regarding Quebec’s Bill 62
Here’s why I decided to take a stand
The farce of “security, religious neutrality, and protection of women”
Equating Zionism and Judaism is a dangerous mistake that needs to be remedied
Why student participation in SSMU today is as important as ever
Our contributor’s take on cultural appropriation
To the McGill Daily, While researching the status of Haitian refugees in Canada, I came across your editorial on September 18. The editorial is very… Read More »Letter in response to the Editorial “Harsh realities face Haitian asylum seekers in Canada”