In defense of naturopathic medicine
Toward a model of holistic healing
Toward a model of holistic healing
Dear Daily, From South Africa to Kanesatake, indigenous peoples have, at times, turned to arms in their struggles against colonialism. The battle against British imperialism… Read More »“End the siege! Free Palestine!”
An open letter to the McGill community
Why TA hours ought to be increased
Show pride without contempt
On remembrance and resistance
Manipulation in the AUS referendum
The erasure of trans* folks at McGill, why it matters, and how to change it
Or, how to talk to people who have no idea what you’re talking about
Antifa and free speech
Speak plain English Dear Daily, Many things have been said about the article “You are racist” (Commentary, October 18, page 7) by Guillermo Martínez de… Read More »Letters
An open letter to Ethan Feldman and company
On Montreal’s crumbling water systems