Far East Asian movement
Budgetary limitations constrain the East Asian Studies department
Budgetary limitations constrain the East Asian Studies department
Why we should all support the MUNACA strike
How Jack Layton reshaped Canadian politics
One week ago today, The McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA), which represents more than 1,700 workers, including library staff, lab technicians, and registration staff,… Read More »March with Munaca
Postal workers’ struggles with Canada Post and their union over the last year
A strange encounter with a St. Urbain violin-maker
AUS president threatening legal action
A look at Montreal’s alternative grocery options
Talks between University and Non-Academic union resuming today
Read all about what’s hot (and not) around campus, and in this happenin’ city.
The best libraries and cafes to spot McGill’s sexiest scholars.
The tournament gains more coverage but continues to fall under the shadow of its male counterpart
Changes aim to accommodate local community and students
The city’s best bits revealed!
Residents are asking for pay parity, but are medical students the ones paying the price?