Are Basic HTML Websites the New Zine?
A conversation discussing digital nostalgia and the changing internet landscape
A conversation discussing digital nostalgia and the changing internet landscape
McGill’s path to gender equality has never been straightforward
A review of Kate Rogers’ latest poetry collection
Justine Triet’s courtroom drama throws convention out the window
How queer women have rocked the climbing world
“On Gaza” speaker series: forging a space for discussion about the critical conditions of Palestinians and fostering solidarity
Highlighting television’s lack of multiplicity in Black representation
A look into the JAM Arts Centre’s latest exhibition
A review of Black Theatre Workshop’s latest play
How Montreal is celebrating its 33rd edition of Black History Month
“When we understand our history, we understand our place in the world”
An introduction to the term “scholasticide” in the wake of Israel’s recent bombing of Gaza’s last standing university
Well folks, it happened again. Instead of taking the opportunity to include the subversive and diverse films 2023 offered us, the Academy of Motion Picture… Read More »The Oscars Have Failed. Again.
Book review and interview with Catherine Leroux
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