Quebec just sold out its international students
The Quebec government deregulated international tuition. McGill must keep education affordable for all.
The Quebec government deregulated international tuition. McGill must keep education affordable for all.
Harlem Renaissance’s Spoken Word is Coming to Town with a Jazzy twist
Defiant Lives sheds light on disability rights activism in the US, UK and Australia
Student testimonies confirm decades old warning system between peers
On the biased perception of violence
“YES” to Motion regarding Fight for Free Education, brought forward by Socialist Fightback at Concordia and McGill The Daily endorses a “yes” vote for the… Read More »SSMU Winter General Assembly 2019 – Endorsements
All VP positions won uncontested
Chelsea Vowel talks about her new book Indigenous Writes
A look at the racialized life in death
Rally participants discuss systemic incarceration of child prisoners
Prioritizing creatives’ mental health
Weaving together Jewish Ritual and Radical Politics
Identifying and eradicating performative allyship
On the abolition of the prison-industrial complex
An exhibition centred on Black identity