Will SSMU adopt a sexual assault policy?
Concerns raised over the potential effectiveness of such a policy
Concerns raised over the potential effectiveness of such a policy
The case for an universal basic income
Reflections on McGill’s first official BHM, from within the Black community
Angry Inuk challenges mainstream anti-seal rhetoric
On taking a knee and potentials of sports activism
SSMU Executive candidates for the 2017-2018 academic year debate each other, while The Daily liveblogs.
The Daily liveblogs the official SSMU candidates’ press conference, organized by Elections SSMU.
White supremacist group promises to “spread [their] fight to McGill too”
Open letter to the McGill administration
SSMU executives pledge to develop a sexual assault policy
Community Disclosure Network releases statement condemning David Aird’s “history of sexualized and gendered violence”
The Daily liveblogs the Winter 2017 SSMU General Assembly.
‘Femmephobia’ is fake, and lacks nuance too
On martyrdom in Opera de Montreal’s Dialogue des Carmélites
McGill Athletics and sexual violence after 2013