“Defending Land Defenders”
Activists discuss Indigenous land defense and Line 9 case
Activists discuss Indigenous land defense and Line 9 case
Two Lovers and a Bear fails to centre Inuit narratives
The Daily reviews highlights from the annual music and art festival
Attendees suggest new initiatives, criticise Fortier
McGill women in STEM talk sexism, role models, and representation
Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt personally victimized by racism in opera
The canonization of Mother Teresa disregards the wrongs she has committed
Week-long event series addresses oppression and reconciliation
Stories of dates gone wrong, blowjobs on pizza, and more at Ladyfest
Campus groups raise concerns about policy’s vagueness and impracticality
Consent education dangerously trivializes the gravity of rape
Community engagement happens every day of our lives
A queer femme of colour looks at The Handmaiden
Corporatization spreads as a standard practice across McGill.
No student consultation on corporate sponsorship in SSMU