SSMU Winter 2014 General Assembly
The Daily liveblogs the General Assembly
The Daily liveblogs the General Assembly
Opera McGill presents Benjamin Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Downtown hotels to be converted to residences
McGill band VLVBVMV mixes it up
McGill’s woodsmen and women fell many a log in lumberjacking meet
The practical applications and ethics of memory modification
The political and economic depravity of the war on drugs
Valérie Blass is the puppeteer in “Théâtre d’objets”
A glimpse of a food revolution
Direct-to-consumer genetic testing – fad or here to stay?
University will release files on military research, fossil fuel investments
Services and resources for those in need
System has fewer Hall Directors but will cost around $32,000 extra
How neuroscience is changing technology
An interview with Jen Hudak, freestyle half-pipe skier