McGill casual employees ratify first ever collective agreement
Overwhelming vote ends nearly a year of negotiations
Overwhelming vote ends nearly a year of negotiations
Entry blocked for Schools of Social Work and Nursing
Varying responses to interventions
Labour Board to decide whether the University acted in bad faith
QPIRG referendum to take place in April
McGill professor says network distorted his interview in asbestos documentary
Municipal government trying to resolve “lack of trust” between police and public
Project slated to open in September 2013
Many Concordia students still attending class
Anti-police brutality march spreads through downtown area
First General Assembly in “living memory” adopts motion opposing upcoming tuition increase
SWSA the first McGill student association to join the unlimited general strike
CKUT referendum to be non-opt-outable fails
Principal states Board’s position on unlimited student strike
Student media to cease publishing on contents of McGillLeaks documents