Students call on federal government to honour treaty rights to post-secondary education
Over 10,000 eligible First Nations students denied financial support
Over 10,000 eligible First Nations students denied financial support
#6party may be formally included in negotiations with administration
Incident latest in series; no specific support group on the campus exists dedicated to queer issues
Provincial Day of Action scheduled for March 22
McGill shuts washroom facilities to #6party
Letter neither condones nor condemns the occupiers
The Coalition Avenir du Québec has not yet won an election
Concerns over smell, increased truck traffic, and harm to reputation
Late-night pulley system caps days of failed attempts
Facebook event rejects occupation
Administration states they will not negotiate with students
Camilo Ballesteros speaks in Montreal about student movement
“Quartier de l’innovation” raises questions over private and public partnerships
President Harman discusses Frosh, political stances, and an upcoming referendum
Sixth floor occupiers: “Our demands haven’t been met.”