Union negotiations moved off campus
Despite the ongoing MUNACA strike, negotiations have continued between the University and other campus unions
Despite the ongoing MUNACA strike, negotiations have continued between the University and other campus unions
How the strike threatens professors’ salaries, casual workers and course lecturers
Demonstration on McGill College attracts Quebec politicians
VP Finance Patel announces the search for new tenants in the SSMU cafeteria
After a full week of events running from September 12 to 15, McGill University’s first Aboriginal Awareness Week concluded with the tenth Annual Pow Wow… Read More »Lower field pow-wow concludes Aboriginal Awareness Week
Local businesses could be made victims in municipal budget battle
Bill C-21 opens up complaint processes against federal and First Nations governments
Administration delays reimbursing residents for sublet pool
McGill continues to negotiate use of university name
McGill representatives absent at Council debate
Israeli Apartheid Week cited as major concern
Quebec group mobilizes against non-French speaking director
AUS Council votes not to sign memo
Boroughs impose fines and spark debate over intellectual property rights
Construction of “District Griffin” continues despite residents’ doubts over its effectiveness at revitalizing the Griffintown neighbourhood. Developer Devimco, along with its partners Group Cholette, the… Read More »Griffintown expansion sparks controversy