Haven Books a financial failure
Advertising restrictions lead to rising deficits, store due for closure
Advertising restrictions lead to rising deficits, store due for closure
Residents argue that the development promotes Israeli policies
Quebec Human Rights Commission tribunals blocked by SPVM
October 1958 The Daily prints a feature from the magazine Justice criticizing southern U.S. states for failing to uphold a Supreme Court decision to integrate… Read More »A half-century of black issues at McGill, in Montreal, and in Canada
Event continues at Cinéma du Parc after 2,500 letters sent in protest
After racking up a 196,000 deficit in three years, SSMU has decided to permanently close Haven Books this spring. Since the Society acquired the bookstore… Read More »Stuck in the red, struggling bookstore to close its doors for good
Company investigated for serious violations of safety standards
Increased extraction of fossil fuels and minerals endangers the environment and international relations
Quebec premier slammed by federal environment minister for independent stance
Debate continues over metro expansion, Turcot re-design, and tramways
Ontario community concerned with the proximity of wind farms to residents
Alternative energy source linked to cancer and environmental concerns
Hydro-Québec linked to aboriginal displacement and environmental destruction
Audit of Shatner building finds room for improvement
Two years after arrests and protests, community still concerned with environmental impact