Two SSMU senators resign
Arts Senator Nick Wolf criticizes SSMU, wants to choose his successor
Arts Senator Nick Wolf criticizes SSMU, wants to choose his successor
Religious Studies and Law professors invited to give expert testimony in Iowa, and likely in California
Administrators scramble to provide compensation for closed dining hall
McGill’s Associate Vice Principal of University Services Jim Nicell presented upcoming changes and renovations within the University’s five-year master plan to a packed McConnell auditorium… Read More »Nicell outlines University master plan
La Presse recently reported that the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) has spent $11.3 million since 2003 to clean up Montreal’s graffiti, which STM… Read More »STM struggles over graffiti
Summit fails to reach binding agreement
Doctors threaten to resign in protest as fears of health risks grow
New union to protect McGill casual employees
Provincial and federal impasse keeps students from receiving bursaries and grants
Opponents say proposed legislation threatens public safety
Commission des droits de la personne calls for police to end harassment
Montreal resident found guilty of distributing pro-jihad videos
Mexican ruling on New Gold mine sets precedent
The Daily sits down with Heather Munroe-Blum to discuss campus issues
Commissioner speaks on F.R. Scott and the evolution of language rights