Montreal engineer crosses Egypt-Palestine border
Recent conflict closes the border, restricting aid workers and goods from reaching Gaza
Recent conflict closes the border, restricting aid workers and goods from reaching Gaza
Sparsely attended event draws little interest from outside SSMU
New work permits allow grads more opportunities
Nearly 1,000 professors from l’Université de Québec À Montréal (UQÀM) voted on whether to strike next week – with 76 per cent in favour, after… Read More »News Brief: UQÀM professors strike
Unions to face fines if representing their members on pay equity disputes
Hotel will be converted to a residence, unbeknownst to striking workers
Publicity campaign seeks public recognition for Quebec atheists
ANC minister Ronnie Kasrils examines Israel with South Africa in mind for McGill’s Israeli Apartheid Week
Administration defends high salaries for executives
For-sale signs, clearance sales, and two-for-one deals are tell-tale signs that Canada’s in an economic crisis, but outside of Montreal restaurant Taverne Crescent, a sign… Read More »News brief: Restaurants in recession
Burst Your Bubble Monday, March 9 – Thursday, March 12 Various locations in Montreal and on campus The Social Equity and Diversity Education office’s second… Read More »What’s the haps
Each year during election season, The Daily barrels through a series of interviews with all the runners for a SSMU executive position, and publishes a… Read More »SSMU Elections 2009
In a confidential session Thursday, SSMU Council voted to publicly reprimand their own electoral body – Elections McGill – for their poor performance during the… Read More »SSMU slaps Elections with public censure
Most executive candidates run unopposed, allowing them to avoid giving concrete promises
McGill students found clinic to provide artists with advice on negotiations and illegal use of their work