Literal divisions over Gaza flare GA tensions
Motion to condemn bombings of educational institutions in Gaza postponed indefinitely; bottled water ban passes
Motion to condemn bombings of educational institutions in Gaza postponed indefinitely; bottled water ban passes
Four Points Sheraton may become home to first years
Interdisciplinary approach is “greater than the sum of its parts”
Photo essay
McGill contests the union’s formation
TA shows movies while prof remains ill in India after conference
Money lost, bookkeeper sued, recall petition thwarted, fingers pointed
Funding cuts come after long struggle to secure a home
McGill professors support call for Israeli boycott
Speaker urges recognition of aboriginal influence on Canadian law
Administration listens to Senate on guidelines
Kay Turner President Kay Turner knows she’s nearing the end. She’s looking to change and looking to do it fast. And so, realizing that some… Read More »Five Alive mid-year SSMU reviews
Omar Khadr remains in prison, despite Obama’s recent decision to close Guantanamo
Critics hold SSMU Speaker responsible
Despite decades-old cultural barriers, English and French youth aspire to bridge the gap between “the two solitudes,” according to Creating Spaces, an innovative new report… Read More »Group kicks off franco-anglo integration project