SSMU adopts Indigenous Solidarity Policy
Supplementary Council meeting considers twelve notices of motion
Supplementary Council meeting considers twelve notices of motion
Organizers seek to disrupt the Canadian narrative of ‘multiculturalism’
“Incompleteness” of report poses challenges to implementation
“Fascists are not welcome,” protesters tell Front National leader
Politicide of Palestine discussed as part of Israeli Apartheid Week
Activists camping out on fifth floor of James building
Council condemns Board of Governors’s refusal to divest
CAMSR decision to continue investments “not a unanimous consensus,” chair says
“No way we’ll be able to keep up with the demand,” says Student Services Interim Director
Panelists emphasize solidarity between marginalized groups
Concerns arise at Council that proposed positions are not “originating from within”
Candidates, referendum campaigners talk with The Daily
Gladue principle seeks to “equalize” application of laws
No arrests or kettling at the 20th annual march
Panel examines physician-assisted dying in wake of Carter v. Canada