Discriminatory Professors Do Not Belong on Campus
McGill must prioritize LGBTQ2 student safety over “academic freedom”
McGill must prioritize LGBTQ2 student safety over “academic freedom”
About the choreographed marketing stunt to make yourself look good
Clean Water is an Essential Part of COVID Relief
Guest opinions from all across the McGill community that address a variety of topics. To pitch to us, refer to our submission guide. Good Education… Read More »Guest Opinions: January in Retrospect
Workday issues are not “isolated technical incidents” but signs of systemic failure
A visionnary billionaire is on track to become the oligarch of the Solar System and no one is stopping him
The sixth mass extinction is underway, but we can still act if we act now
The old boys’ club called academia needs to be more mindful of dehumanizing content in course materials
The McGill Daily Editorial Board’s Endorsements
If you’re struggling with psychological pain, take this time to find what’s hurting.
Facebook is anti-social media
Protect, not terrorize our non-status neighbours
Public universities should not be for-hire
The deaths of Joyce Echaquan and Georges-Hervé Awashish reflect the persisting medical racism that exists in Quebec.
The absence of co-curricular support and a 35% tuition hike is setting students up for failure.