Censoring the N-word
Removing racist slurs from Huck Finn covers up racist brutality
Removing racist slurs from Huck Finn covers up racist brutality
Political correctness, protest, and the Kay family
Representatives from the Department of National Defence (DND) visited McGill this past Monday to give an informational session about their Policy Officer Recruitment Program. The… Read More »Military recruitment has no place on campus
The Opt-Out campaign has three main points: QPIRG is anarchist and undemocratic, QPIRG hates Israel and Jews, and you can get a sandwich with the… Read More »Combating the QPIRG opt-out campaign’s misinformation
A worrying depoliticization has ensared campus
Last October, posters encouraging course lecturers to unionize began to disappear from across campus. The removals followed an internal memo circulated to building directors on… Read More »Professors’ letter should spark university-wide solidarity
Tragedy strikes in the United States
An open letter from retired and current faculty
Today’s world recognizes the importance of societies’ educational excellence in economic growth. It is even treated as a measurable commodity and some international agencies have… Read More »The decline of broader education
A consensual world is possible
Mental illness is more common than you think, and there’s nothing wrong with it
Some misconceptions about Christianity
Why the burden of proof is on believers
Learning about the diversity of belief in a globalized world
Our priorities define us