Lies, Half Truths, and Shit Not to be Taken Seriously.
“Learning Curve”
Illustrations contributor Randa Mohamed explores issues that might come up on the first day of school.
Nobel Committee Institutes “Non-TERF Division” for Literature Prize
On April 1, 2022, the Nobel Prize Committee introduced a new category for its literature prize: the “Non-TERF Division.” In explaining the award, the Norwegian… Read More »Nobel Committee Institutes “Non-TERF Division” for Literature Prize
Quiz: Are you a McGill Student or a Kafka Character?
McGill University prides itself on being absolutely laden with bureaucracy so as to make the student experience as frustrating and painful as possible. It’s a… Read More »Quiz: Are you a McGill Student or a Kafka Character?
The Flora and Fauna of Montreal
Staff Illustrator Viola Ruzzier takes us through the flora and fauna of the city of Montreal.
Excuses you can and can’t use: a comic
Staff Illustrator Viola Ruzzier walks us through excuses that you can’t currently use, and excuses that work very well right now that never would have worked before.
Winter 2022 Bingo Board!
Because we live in ~unprecedented times~, the Daily has consulted our 100 per cent accurate crystal ball to see what the next semester holds for… Read More »Winter 2022 Bingo Board!
Three New Animals
Viola Ruzzier illustrates three limericks in Three New Animals.
April Horoscopes
Hello Aries, goodbye Daily!
Four Situations: An illustrated limerick compilation
Contributor Viola Ruzzier shares her illustrated limerick compilation.