Shutting our windows, plugging our ears
On a rainy afternoon in February of 2003, I lay down on Toronto’s Yonge Street with a few hundred others to protest a possible American-led… Read More »Shutting our windows, plugging our ears
On a rainy afternoon in February of 2003, I lay down on Toronto’s Yonge Street with a few hundred others to protest a possible American-led… Read More »Shutting our windows, plugging our ears
Bursting the Bubble
Psychedelic Middle Eastern music finds an audience in Montreal
Margaret Atwood’s timely lecture explores debt and morality
A pair of artists address identity and the city
Canadian correspondent Patrick Brown pairs contemporary China with his own personal struggles
In Part II of The Daily’s admittedly overdue series on shitty summer jobs, Katie Burrell brings you the inside take on drinking dollar beers, watching locals snort coke and dance to country music, and moving 500-pound furnances in “Canada’s Worst To
Fantasizing about the secret life of Sigur Ròs
Witch boy meets girl in Players’ Theatre season opener Dark of the Moon
Obsession and insanity Take a break from midterms this week and enjoy some free movies on campus! A film festival featuring three of German director… Read More »Culture briefs
Music documentary champions the public domain
Montreal’s love of resistance is expressed at annual art show
Garage rock posterbaby throws another fit
Five students turn a flea market kiosk into a cooperative wonderstore
Alex Gibney’s documentary probes the private life a Gonzo pioneer