A place to bury slander
Brooklyn noisemakers build pedals, not songs
Brooklyn noisemakers build pedals, not songs
Migr@tions finds unity in the immigrant experience
Licensing puts copyright in the hands of artists
It is telling about the nature of Chet Baker’s fame that fashion photographer Bruce Weber first discovered the jazz legend not by hearing his music,… Read More »Culture brief: Embraceable Chet
Twelve musicians from Brooklyn mumble their way though postmodern romance
Sick and tired of misleading news out of Palestine? Fed up with journalists taking the same-old storylines that just perpetuate the suffering of Israelis and… Read More »A good time for Grassroots
One woman’s breakup becomes 107 women’s multidisciplinary artwork
European cinema on the road and in the streets
Party on the poop deck for Montreal’s weird punks
As a third-grader, I voraciously consumed stacks of Sweet Valley High and Baby-sitter’s Club novels that I borrowed from the library on a weekly basis.… Read More »Culture Brief: Still Spellbound
A retrospective of the first annual Quebec Triennial at the Musée d’Art Contemporain
Break a leg Sweaty palms? Shaky voice? Mind gone blank? If you’ve ever auditioned for a play, you’ll recognize these symptoms not as the warning… Read More »Culture Briefs
The World Press Photo Exhibition makes detachment impossible
Studio photography pays homage to the Japanese Canadian experience
Yves Saint Laurent inverts the rules of women’s vogue