In the spot light
Amelia Schonbek delves into the dance scene in The Daily’s final installment on Montreal tastemakers
Amelia Schonbek delves into the dance scene in The Daily’s final installment on Montreal tastemakers
Montreal chef Nantha Kumar spices things up at Plateau restaurant Cash and Curry
Patricia Pearson’s personal narratives won’t put your mind at ease
Talk of the Montreal indie sound that pioneered in the early 2000s by bands such as The Unicorns has been rendered acutely obsolete. Online dissemination… Read More »We come in peace: Montreal’s Alien8 recordings
Japan’s National Film Center is not afraid to air its dirty laundry in an anime retrospective at the Cinémathèque Québecoise
A Silver Mt. Zion helped make their neighbourhood the cultural Mecca it is today. On their new album, they do something unexpected – apologize.
I’m lying in bed, reading, and my girlfriend George (short for Georgina) is there beside me, reading too. Suddenly, I laugh out loud. George turns… Read More »The Hipless Boy: Killing, eating
Every few years, a cult classic emerges from the morass of contemporary Canadian film. In 2002 it was Men With Brooms; last year, it was… Read More »No hockey allowed in Canada’s next cult film, Rock, Paper, Scissors
There’s something tragic about monuments built to an optimism that faded decades ago. The Soviet Union’s contribution to Expo ‘67, for instance: a large, concrete… Read More »Remembrance of times past: This is Montreal!
All the school is a stage While most students are buckling down for term papers and finals right now, the actors, directors and theatre nerds… Read More »Culture Briefs
“Bono and I had dinner in Dublin. We stayed up till 3:00 in the morning and got totally shitfaced,” Alex Shoumatoff tells me over noodles… Read More »When I grow up I want to be Alex Shoumatoff
What happens when you combine a former Los Angeles b-boy, a classically-trained ballet dancer, and a lot of buzz? You get Rubberbandance Group (RBDG), the… Read More »Rubberbanddance’s new act
DJ XL5’s film collage plays with the wacky beginnings of the music video
In the third installment of The Daily’s four-part series on cultural tastemakers in Montreal,
CBC Radio 2 is kicking classical music off primetime in an effort to woo younger audiences