“I’m getting sick of this itty bitty lifestyle”
Michael DeForge gets dark with his graphic novel Ant Colony
Michael DeForge gets dark with his graphic novel Ant Colony
Gasland at Cinema Politica
Valérie Blass is the puppeteer in “Théâtre d’objets”
Deepali Productions presents Wake, Butterfly
Players’ Theatre presents Arthur Miller’s All My Sons
Vessna Perunovich’s “Seamless Crossings” exposes boundaries
Stepping into McGill’s dance scene
Isabelle Guimond explores our dream world in “Dream, Baby, Dream”
Burial, Frankie Cosmos, The Venetia Fair, Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings
GaNaDaRa serves up some Korean comfort food
Trio Populaire’s continent-hopping jazz
Brave New Productions presents Done To Death
Social commentary meets cinematic violence in “A Touch of Sin”
TNC presents the 24 Hour Playwriting Competition
Urban planning and decolonization