Hoodfar addresses feminism in Iran
McGill Iranian Student Association hosts talk
McGill Iranian Student Association hosts talk
SSMU elections endorsements
Documentary screening and Yemenite student shed light on ignored crisis
David Heap discusses breaking the blockade on Gaza
McGill’s Have a Heart Day raises awareness about gaps in indigenous health and education conditions in Canada
University professors raise awareness on anti-Indigenous racism in law
Asbestos contamination prompts immediate relocation during Festival
Panelists discuss importance of acknowledging positionality
VP Finance alleges bias and financial mismanagement
Medical residents make allegations of systemic overworking and burnout
Issues include degendered bathrooms, curriculum, and stage placements
Students concerned that stress, not smoking is the root of the issue
Black History Month opening ceremony begins month-long
programming around the theme of Resistance
One year later, few preventative measures have been taken
Divest McGill hosts information workshop on environmental justice