School of Social Work Undergraduates on Strike
Strike resolution passes with overwhelming majority
Strike resolution passes with overwhelming majority
Open letter denounces administration’s decision
Acknowledging those who have had serious complications due to COVID-19
Former President seeks resolution through Judicial Board as he says attacks “crossed the line”
Daryanani will not be asked to resign
Committee shifts from “grassroots” to “top-down” approach
On November 25, SSMU’s Legislative Council convened for their last meeting of the semester. Councillors discussed President Darshan Daryanani’s ongoing absence; later in the evening,… Read More »November 25 Legislative Council
McGill has yet to follow suit
The university has been receptive, but concerns remain
As McGill prepared to return to campus earlier this year, it became increasingly clear that guidelines given by the administration did not particularly favour the… Read More »Instruction in the AFC, Transition from EOC, and Rapid Testing
The return to campus presents novel challenges for the office
From November 8 through November 13, Students in Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) McGill and SPHR Concordia hosted a series of events for Boycott,… Read More »SPHR Hosts BDS Week
Despite the rain and cold on Friday, November 12, students and activists gathered at the Roddick Gates in a rally concluding BDS (Boycott, Divest, and… Read More »Students Speak Out for Palestine
Following up on the MNCS Naloxone and Harm Reduction Workshop
VP Internal asks the Daily not to investigate further