“There is no such thing as ‘humane imprisonment’”
Protesters Rally Against ICPA conference
Protesters Rally Against ICPA conference
Love, Rage, and Solidarity
Documentary brings together community for a discussion on women’s identity in modern India
Solidarity Across Borders holds demonstration outside hearing
On Monday February 20, around twenty protesters gathered in front of the Parc Metro station to denounce a luxury apartment project at Plaza Hutchison. The… Read More »Community members speak out against gentrification in Parc-Ex
Trial verdict reflects failure of Canada’s criminal justice system
Local organization hosts workshop about incarceration and abolition
Professors accused of abusing power to harass female students
Montreal activists condemn CDPQ’s affiliation with Fluxys, and its role in supporting the Trans Adriatic Pipeline
Thousands mobilize in downtown Montreal
International Day of Interns strike advocates for remuneration for all interns
Student littering disrupts residents
Robyn Maynard explores anti-Blackness and state violence
SSMU compiles list of far-right groups in Montreal to watch for on campus
Investing in fossil fuels unethical and unsustainable, say protesters